New Years - Design, Animations, And Video Assets

Video Type - Social Video
Design Field - Motion Graphics
Software Used - After Effects
Hey guys! Are you ready for this new year?? I hope you are! It’s time to make new plans or start them now. Reflecting back on the year before, were you able to achieve the things you wanted to last year? Were you able to work towards your dreams and goals? I hope you at least worked towards them, but never worry if you didn’t make the bar you were looking to make. You have much time, and even if you fail you get right back up and keep going. Never give up the fight. This year let’s not give up that fight!
I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! Here at Motion Arts Media with this animation we created! We didn’t know what to make at first but this came out very well! We wrote a short message and added some really good motion in the designs for it. Hope you like it! Let me know what you think about the video in a comment down below. I would love to hear some new year wishes from you too!
I want to also share with you what we do when the new year comes. We try to focus on what helps us progress every year by making yearly goals at the start of a new year. Of course, those different goals may change depending on the out come of tasks we complete. But the bar can only get hire, never any lower than where we started. So, I want to encourage you this year to gather your thoughts, your dreams, and create goals for this entire year that you want to reach. Make them realistic and work towards specific task day by day from one month to the next. You might keep going towards the goal you made and reach it sooner than you think!
2017 was a great year! But 2018 will be even better! Let’s keep pushing.
Stay In Motion!